06 July 2013

Read: Why We Want You To Be Rich

I have recently acquired an interest to read again. Through out 5 years of M.B.B.S, I have become accustomed to just reading academic books such as Physio, Anatomy etc. I have not had a chance to read a proper, non academic book in ages. I stumbled upon a great book a few months back, Why We Want You To Be Rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Donald Trump.

I bought this book back in 2011 during the Big Bad Wolf Sale in Serdang, Selangor. I bought it for MYR 8 ONLY. Very good investment indeed. It was left to gather dust for 1 year until I moved to Ipoh. I don't know what compelled me to buy it then. Investing or financial management was the last thing on my mind. Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop. It has changed my perspective on life and is a catalyst in my future transformation.

For those still in the dark, Robert T. Kiyosaki is the man behind Poor Dad, Rich Dad books. He is THE rich dad. He is an investor, businessman, self help author and motivational speaker. He has a series of books published under Rich Dad brand. It has been a best seller all over the world. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is famous with The Apprentice. To the layman, he was made famous by the series but he made in a name for himself in the real estate industry. These two people are giants in the business world. And when both minds combine, an AWESOME book is created.

Although it is based on the financial situation in the United States of America, the topics discussed is still very much relevant worldwide (at least Malaysia). The book provides insights from both Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Each topic is explained by both prominent figures separately in a very frank and direct way. It feels like they are having a conversation with you. The English as basic for layman like me. If I can understand the terms used, I think everyone can. However, Robert Kiyosaki writes at a more personal level and I feel like he has more to share.

This is my first exposure to the thought process of Robert Kiyosaki and his CASHFLOW Quadrant and CASHFLOW game is intriguing. It really helps you to understand how things work in a practical sense. The main relevant points for me are:
1. There is so much that is wrong in the world financial system. In this system, only 10% will benefit from it and be rich.
2. The CASHFLOW Quadrant is an amazing example of how YOU can choose to become rich or become poor. I can't publish it here because it is copyrighted. Might as well just get the book or purchase the e-book version.
3. Property is a GREAT investment...more of that in future posts

This is my tipping point. This is when I start to think about my future and get out of my comfort zone. I have started to invest in financial knowledge. Its a long way to go before I achieve financial freedom. I have to start somewhere. And I will share parts of my journey along the way ;)

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