31 August 2009

Nasty, expensive backache

Today is Day 5 of my nasty back pain. Here's a summary of my presenting illness:

Gradual onset of lumbar-sacral pain after sitting against the wall for close to 1 hour (bad posture). No preceding trauma. Pain was initially just a discomfort. The pain worsened the next day, agravated by 6 hours drive to Ipoh. Severe pain (10/10) was localized at the lumbo-sacral region on shifting positions e.g. sitting to standing. There was no radiation. After lying supine in bed for 10 minutes, I was unable to get back up again due to severe pain on any attempt to stand (the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced!). Was only able to mobilize after taking Panadol Extend.

That history was only up to Day 2. I went to a GP and was given IM analgesia on the butt. The GP also prescribed a Cox 1 inhibitor OD and Neurobion. That treatment costs RM45! I was able to sleep that night but I had to remain supine. When waking up, I had to use a tongkat. I can't even pray properly. I had to pray while standing!

Tongkat Mok

Day 3 wasn't any good. I noticed my posture was slightly scoliotic. My right shoulder was lower than the right and my gait was abnormal. Every step I take was unomfortable. This prompted my wife and parents to take me to a hospital. It was a Saturday and if I were to go to the general hospital, it would take hours for some one to see. So I opted to go to Ipoh Specialist Hospital. It was a quick visit. Lumbosacral X ray was taken and it appears normal. I was just given another dose of IM analgesia. The cost for all that was RM 354! It was damn expensive. It was a good thing I declined to be admitted. Or else it would have cost thousands.

The bill!

On Day 4, I managed to get one of my relatives to give me a massage since we have pretty much ruled out any vertabral pathology. The massage was painful! But somehow after the massage I felt abit better. I still get pain when shifting positions but its much more tolerable.

I am supposed to head back to Kuantan today but the orthopaedic specialist wasn't too keen on me driving or travelling long distance. Thus, I am stuck here in Ipoh. Not a bad thing though coz my wife is here with me :) ...but with my condition I can't be doing anything romantic :(

21 August 2009


Alhamdulillah Ramadhan is here. Although my wife and I are hundreds of kilometers apart, this is a special Ramadhan for us. Its our 1st Ramadhan as husband and wife. Hopefully the additional challenge of being far apart will be a blessing in disguise. InsyaAllah with great patience our marriage will gain more berkat from Allah s.w.t. At the time of writing this post my wife is on call at the gynae ward of Hospital Taiping. She may not be able to perform Tarawikh but Im sure in the course of her duty she will be rewarded by Allah for doing her work sincerely.

I have my worries though...where will she get food for sahur and how is she going to get a good meal for berbuka. She's been skipping lots of meals lately and it worries me. I wouldn't want her to suddenly collapse in the ward. All I can do now is pray. Hopefully Ill be able to make it back to Taiping next week and berbuka with her.

18 August 2009

Merawat Suami Bisu - from www.saifulislam.com

“Yang itu mesti husband and wife,” saya mengusik Ummu Saif.

“Mana abang tahu?” isteri saya berhenti menjamah sup cendawan tengah hari itu. Melihat ke arah pasangan di sudut restoran.

“Seorang baca surat khabar, seorang baca majalah. Apa faedahnya keluar bersama jika hanya mahu membaca bersama, kecuali semata-mata kerana mereka masih suami isteri?” saya cuba berteori.

Kami bukanlah sengaja mahu menyibuk tentang urusan orang lain. Tetapi melihat pasangan suami isteri yang sepi, sunyi, tiada suara dan tiada bicara, amat menghiris rasa.

Malah mengheret ingatan kepada beberapa ketika dalam rumahtangga kami sendiri tatkala sindrom sepi dan diam ini melanda. Melakukan muhasabah ke atas diri sendiri, berkongsi kisah dengan kenalan dan membaca coretan di sana sini tentang tabiat para suami mendiamkan diri, atau lebih tepat, membatukan diri… membawa saya kepada beberapa titik renungan untuk difikirkan bersama.

“Abang, Ani tanya abang ni. Kenapa abang selalu balik lambat?” tanya seorang isteri kepada si suami.


Tangannya ligat mencabut tali leher, peluh di dahi dikeringkan sahaja dengan satu kesatan di lengan. Namun mulutnya terus terkunci. Tidak bersuara.

“Abang dengar ke Ani tanya ni?” tanya si isteri lagi.

“Kalau Ani ada buat salah, cakaplah bang. Macam mana Ani nak tahu apa masalah abang, kalau abang diam macam ini?” beliau semakin hilang sabar dengar kerenah si suami.

Lelaki yang dahulunya romantik, menghantar 30 sms sehari di era bulan madu mereka, dan sering mengucapkan perkataan sayang, kini membatu. Sepi. Tidak bersuara, tidak berbunyi.

Namun, seorang suami yang mendiamkan diri itu hakikatnya bukanlah tidak bercakap. Telinganya jauh sekali daripada pekak dan tidak mendengar soalan bertubi-tubi yang diajukan si isteri. Setiap soalan itu dijawab oleh sang suami dengan panjang lagi berjela. Namun semuanya dijawab tanpa suara. Hanya sebuah monolog di dalam hati. Apa yang terlontar hanyalah sebuah kesepian yang membunuh perasaan isteri.

Diam itu emas…

Tetapi emas yang ini tiada indahnya, malah beracun memusnahkan rumahtangga.

Saya juga seorang suami. Ada masanya mendiamkan diri itu sangat memberikan keselesaan. Bukan sahaja untuk diri, malah dirasakan diam itu adalah pilihan terbaik untuk reaksi kepada keadaan-keadaan tertentu. Tetapi saya cepat disedarkan oleh isteri bahawa diam itu menyulitkan penyelesaian. Ia misteri yang membinasakan.

Kali ini, dengan jiwa empati saya mengajak para isteri untuk meneliti rentetan-rentetan peristiwa yang menjadi punca para suami hilang bicara. Para isteri boleh bersikap defensif dan menafikan faktor-faktor ini, tetapi keengganan memprosesnyai, hanya akan menambahkan sakit hati mereka sebagai isteri, melihat suami terus diam sepi seribu bahasa.


Jarang sekali suami tiba-tiba menjadi pendiam.

Bersuamikan seorang lelaki pendiam yang begitu semenjak di hari menyatakan persetujuan menerimanya sebagai suami, sang isteri tidak harus buat-buat terkejut. Diamnya mungkin petanda beliau masih lelaki yang sama seperti di hari pernikahan anda.

Tetapi kebimbangan kita adalah pada suami yang beransur-ansur menjadi pendiam. Kesan jangka panjang yang bersifat akumulatif. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit, satu-satu lama-lama jadi bisu. Justeru, sebagaimana seorang suami yang bercakap beransur-ansur menjadi pendiam, maka usaha untuk mengembalikan percakapannya juga wajar dibuat secara berhemah, bagai menarik rambut di dalam tepung. Rambut tidak putus dan tepung tidak tumpah bertebaran.


Apakah ini kesudahan suamimu?


Sebuah perkahwinan, bermula dengan ikatan janji setia yang terbina di atas beberapa teras. Antara yang utamanya adalah soal KEPERCAYAAN. Mustahil untuk kita bayangkan sebuah rumahtangga yang dibina tanpa ada rasa percaya di antara suami dan isteri berkaitan ketelusan, kejujuran dan keikhlasan masing-masing. Justeru, perbualan romantik dan indah antara suami dan isteri sentiasa seiringan dengan rasa percaya dan yakin di antara mereka berdua.

Apabila seorang suami semakin merosot kualiti komunikasinya, ada kemungkinan ia berpunca daripada merosotnya keyakinan beliau terhadap sang isteri. Ia bukanlah berkaitan dengan krisis orang ketiga atau hal-hal luaran yang mencabar rumahtangga tersebut. Sebaliknya, suami semakin terjejas keyakinannya terhadap kemampuan isteri berdepan dengan realiti.

“Mampu dan tahankah isteriku untuk mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang terbuku di hati ini?” mungkin soalan sebegini bermain di benak fikiran suami, tatkala beliau diam membatu di hadapan isteri yang masih menyoal tanpa henti.

Bukan beliau tidak pernah bersuara dan menyatakan pendirian, tetapi reaksi isteri yang memedihkan ketika itu menyebabkan suami hilang kepercayaan. Tanda tanya ini sering timbul disebabkan oleh perbuatan isteri yang berulang kali tanpa sedar, merosakkan kepercayaan suami bahawa dia benar-benar terbuka dan sabar untuk menguruskan ‘isu sebenar’.

Cuba kenangkan kembali, pernahkah sang suami menegur anda atas beberapa perkara yang dirasakan tidak kena? Bagaimanakah reaksi anda ketika itu? Adakah anda menghargai teguran tersebut, memberikan tindak balas yang baik, atau anda menyambut teguran itu dengan memuncung sepanjang hari, mengangkat punggung melarikan diri, atau membalas teguran dengan jawapan alasan yang bertubi-tubi?

Suami yang tidak pelupa itu, berkemungkinan besar masih ingat akan kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Bahawa biar pun sang isteri meminta-minta luahan isi sebenar sang suami, hakikatnya si isteri bukanlah kuat benar untuk mendengar ‘kisah benar’ yang diminta. Justeru sifat ’sabar’ luar biasa kaum lelaki, ditelannya sahaja pandangan diri yang sering diperlekeh sebelum ini untuk dibawa ke kubur nanti. Dan kesan sampingannya, si suami semakin mengeras jadi batu.

“Lebih baik dia tidak tahu apa sebenarnya pandanganku tentang rumahtangga ini kerana aku boleh hidup dengannya. Sabarku boleh sampai ke mati. Tetapi aku mungkin tidak mampu lagi sabar andai dirinya membesar-besarkan masalah ini. Perasaanku tidak penting. Apa yang penting adalah keselamatan rumahtangga!” hati suami berkata-kata dengan panjang lebar, tanpa suara.

Oleh itu, seorang isteri yang mahu mengubah sifat pendiam suami perlu berusaha meyakinkan dirinya semula. Bahawa tatkala si isteri meminta suaminya berkata-kata, ia bukanlah permintaan ‘mengada-ngada’, sebaliknya si isteri memang bersedia untuk duduk bersemuka dan berbicara. Kembalikanlah kepercayaan suami dengan beberapa pendekatan berikut:


Mengajak kepada perbincangan dalam suasana yang penuh tekanan bukanlah tindakan yang bijak. Malah suami mungkin bertindak bijak mendiamkan diri, tatkala isteri menembak peluru taburnya kepada suami ketika kaki baru sebelah melangkah masuk ke rumah sekembalinya dari pejabat.

Sabarkan diri. Beri masa kepada suami untuk bertenang. Malah lebih baik jika anda usahakan appointment dengan memberitahu suami bahawa anda ingin mengajaknya minumhot chocolate selepas anak-anak tidur, untuk berbual-bual tentang hal ehwal anda berdua.

Gurau senda juga amat berkesan untuk mencairkan kebekuan seorang suami. Bilakah kali terakhir anda mempamerkan sense of humor kepada suami? Atau dialog yang keluar dari mulut anda semuanya bersifat masalah, permintaan, arahan, tekanan, teguran dan segala macam benda yang serius lagi menambah tekanan.

Berguraulah dengan suami.

Jika tiada lawak baru, ungkit sahaja lawak-lawak lama yang pernah menyebabkan anda berdua ketawa terkekek-kekek suatu ketika dahulu. Jarang seorang lelaki immune terhadap lawak jenaka. Malah mungkin ketiadaan unsur inilah yang menjadi sebab utama mengapa suami ceria dan ketawa berdekah-dekah semasa minum petang dengan kawan-kawannya, tetapi sepi tanpa bicara tatkala duduk di sisi isteri yang dicintainya.


Tidak rugi bagi seorang isteri untuk merendahkan diri mengiktiraf beberapa kesilapannya yang lalu. Menyatakan kekesalannya membentak teguran suami pada suatu ketika dahulu. Yakinkan suami bahawa anda bukan lagi isteri yang ‘cepat melatah’, melenting dan mengamuk semasa suami bersuara pada suatu ketika dahulu.

Sikap isteri yang membantah pandangan suami sedemikian rupa mungkin telah membina satu persepsi di minda suami bahawa isterinya adalah seorang wanita yang ego. Buktikan kesalahan persepsi itu, bahawa anda adalah isteri yang masih duduk sama rendah berdiri sama tinggi bersama suami di sisi.

Mungkin bukan salah anda, tetapi demi mencungkil suara suami yang bagai disumpah sang gelembai itu, rendahkanlah dirimu. Anda boleh terus defensif, namun harganya ialah bersuamikan lelaki bisu.


Jika sms dan email anda tidak berhasil, bicara dengan suara bernada rendah tidak berjaya, mungkin bantuan orang tengah boleh membantu.

Apakah anda mahu meminta bantuan best friend anda atau best friend suami?

Secara logiknya, usaha menggunakan orang tengah ini akan lebih berpotensi untuk berhasil jika anda cuba meminta bantuan orang kepercayaan suami.

Berhubung dan bincanglah dengannya sebaik mungkin. Anda mungkin juga terpaksa berjuang untuk membina kepercayaan di antara anda dengan teman akrab sang suami kerana ada kebarangkalian dia itu juga dari spesis yang sama dengan suami anda sendiri. Namun tanpa tekanan dan gangguan-gangguan kesilapan lalu, usaha untuk berkomunikasi dengan sahabat suami jauh lebih mudah berbanding usaha untuk berkomunikasi dengan suami sendiri.

Jika anda bernasib baik, beliau mungkin akan berkongsi dengan anda isi-isi hati suami tatkala beliau bercakap tanpa suara semasa di hadapan anda. Dia tidak meluahkannya kepada anda, tetapi kepada teman karibnya. Anda berhak untuk berkecil hati, tetapi abaikanlah perasaan itu. Sebaliknya rancangan strategi yang sesuai dengan ‘pendedahan’ yang telah anda perolehi daripada sahabatnya itu tadi.

Anda boleh jadikan pendedahan itu sebagai alat untuk memusnahkan terus rumahtangga, atau anda juga boleh menjadikannya sebagai alat penyelamat. Terpulang…

Apa yang pasti, hanyalah satu.

Perempuan sering tidak rasional semasa membuat bising, lelaki pula sering tidak rasional semasa mendiamkan diri.

Belajarlah untuk mengurangkan kebisingan, wahai sang isteri. Belajarlah untuk bersuara, wahai sang suami.

ABU SAIF @ www.saifulislam.com
68000 Ampang

11 August 2009

The past 1 month...

The past 1 month was a test...starting life as a houseman on foreign grounds (Taiping is juz as foreign to me as Zanzibar) with foreign people, away from my beloved family&friends...& the most challenging part of it all - being away from my beloved hubby...we were just 1 month into our marriage & still soo crazy over each other...we were just getting the hang of doing everything together, up to the smal2 things like sharing a cone of ice cream together whenever we had d chance(my hubby usually end up eating up 3quarters of the ice cream!) ;)...
The 1st phase of housemen life was somewhat of a shock...i got thrown into O&G department (apparently the department most well-known for its weird policies& bad reputation toward housemen in Host Taiping)...we were given no tagging period...instead, 4days of my 'cuti rehat' was cut off (i was forced 2 fill in the leave application against my own will - 1 weird policy unveiled on my very 1st day!)...i was to use those precious 4days of my 'holiday' to gain every knowledge&skills needed before I start working as a fully functional housemen on my 5th day of houseman life...in other words, 4days of leave is for tagging at our own iniciative...of course, as a first-poster yang masih terkial2 nk belajar jd housemen & br nk adapt myself to the task & duties of a h/o, 4days certainly is not enough…& what more, since our o&g department r implementing the shift system, most of the time only 1 h/o are placed to cover the ward/labour room at 1 time…on my 1st week of working life, I wuz put in charge of 3places at once-covering labour room, clerking new admissions & assisting emergency cases in MOT…it wuz hectic, being in three places at once…once in a while my shift wud overlap with another more senior h/o & i wud feel temporary relief, but most of the time, it wuz just me alone to handle all those 3 places(kebetulan at that time also my department has a shortage of housemen)….it wuz scary bt miraculously I got thru…& I have soo much2thank for…my wonderful hubby4his endless support&comforting words…& its been tons of time that I cant help thinking how grateful I am to UIA for giving us good exposure toward clinical settings & giving us lots of opportunities for hands-on clinical experience when we were students in O&G posting…one of my colleague has never done repair/suture of episiotomy before as a student…in fact, her medical school doesn’t even let the students conduct deliveries…I am ever so grateful dat I wuz given d priviledge to experience all that b4hand before venturing out as an actual doctor…

As for the pain of being geographically separated from my hubby, I guess it takes longer than 1 month to get used to…I still cry when I hear my hubby’s voice over the phone…& almost everyday I would switch on my laptop& go thru our wedding& honeymoon pics & think of how wonderful it wud be if I cud be with with him at that moment…of course, time will heal…but nothing can change the simple fact that we are hopelessly crazy over each other…marriage is a bliss…I thank Allah for blessing me with a wonderful husband, the best I could ever ask for…& inshaAllah, if Allah permits, we wud be reunited again in taiping in another 4months’ time (my hubby & I are diligently counting down the days :))…inshaAllah our love would remain strong, if not stronger…all it takes is a lot of patience & tawakkal to Allah…we are facing this challenge as a team, both of us are in this together…to my dearest beloved hubby - be strong 4 me aite sayang :)...i love u with all my heart

08 August 2009

Maxis Broadband

My wife and I recently subscribed to Maxis Broadband (BB). She's been using it for 2 weeks now and so far so good. I've read some pretty bad reviews on Maxis' BB service but to me the package suits me better compared to Celcom.

We opted for the 6GB package with the new USB drive which can reach download speed of 7.2 Mbps. The montly fee would be RM138 and a one off processing fee of RM 100. However we got RM30 discount because there was a PC Fair promotion and I am a postpaid user. The USB drive comes with the package. They say there's no strings attached but that's soooo UN-MAXIS. As you all probably know, there's always strings attached with Maxis. There's a 12 months contract (the agent say its NOT a contract) whereby if you discontinue the service you have to return the USB drive to a Maxis center and pay RM 200. Its some sort of a penalty. The good news is you have a 7 day trial period.

My wife say the service in Taiping fluctuates. Sometimes it is really fast sometimes too slow. But I'm not sure if the speed is affected by her ASUS Eee PC which can get frustrating to use. In Ipoh, the speed is good enough for surfing. I tried the online speed test (http://speed.p1.com.my/) and the maximum download speed was 2.1 Mbps. It was good enough for me. I have been warned by the Maxis BB dealer that it shouldn't be used for downloading movies though but my wife missed that part and withing 2 weeks has used up to 2GB!

I will try to update on our experience of using Maxis BB from time to time. In the meantime here are the reasons why I chose Maxis BB.

1. The package - PC Fair discount (RM 20) and postpaid user discount (RM 10)
2. Package price depends on the quota instead of speed (Celcom). As far as I know the download and upload speed depends on the location. It does not make sense to me to pay for 3.6 Mbps and end up in a location with only 360kbps as I tend to travel alot.
3. 'Free' modem - not really free but for a penalty of RM200, its almost the same price as a modem from Celcom.

Please be reminded that I am not paid by Maxis and I do not have any interest with the company. Do share your BB experience with us.

03 August 2009

Hard Life

Its been almost a month since my wife was posted in Taiping Hospital. Its been challenging for us. Not a day goes by without me feeling depressed and guilty. My wife is going through hell because as a consequence of my actions. I failed to come up with a contingency plan in case something goes wrong. Never would I imagined I would be in this mess. Going through challenges is no big matter to me but seeing your loved ones suffering because of you is heart breaking.
I made the wrong choice in choosing Taiping. My rationale was it was somewhere not congested, a peaceful town. Since it is located mid way between 2 main cities (Penang and Ipoh) we can occasionally go north or south to shop. Plus I thought there'll be autonomy since its a distance from both our families. The cost of living is low too. I was hoping to save some money to prepare for a bigger family i.e. kids. But all this ideals crumbled just like that. I didn't do enough research on the hospital. It turns out to have a bad reputation. It seems there is not 1 thing that is right with the hospital. The Head of Department is ruthless (no tagging but expect H.O. to function immediately, slash leave allocations at his will, marah tak tentu pasal etc.). And to make it worse, she has to endure it on her own. She has no contacts, no friends. She comes back demotivated and after 3 weeks, I'm feeling demotivated as well.
For the past few weeks I either sleep alot or not sleep at all. I don't know how I spent my time. It takes loads of determination just for me to open up a book to read. I don't know what I enjoy doing anymore. Life is hard. I thought I can be strong but I am just a weakling...I thought time will heal all this misery but it is almost 2 months. I'm just waiting for a time to pick up the pieces. How it will turn out, only Allah knows...

02 August 2009

Weekend Getaway: Accomodation

We surveyed 4 hotels around Taiping before deciding on a place to spend the night. 3 of them were in Lake Garden and 1 in Kamunting. The 1st place we went to was Hotel Seri Malaysia. Not a bad place, just like any other Seri Malaysia’s. We didn’t get to see the room though. The lowest room rate was RM140 for a standard room (including breakfast). However all the rooms
were fully booked for an event. The only rooms available were family rooms at RM 160 per night. It has 1 queen sized bed and 1 single bed. We decided we’ll skip Hotel Seri Malaysia since it will be a while till we expect our little ones.

Next we came upon Casuarina Inn, still in Lake Garden. It’s more of a budget hotel. At RM 52.90 a night it was a bargain!...until you inspect the room. Each room has not 1 but TWO queen sized bed. But you wouldn’t be seeing anything at night. The lights were barely functioning. Plus there’s NO TV. The ceiling was full of sawang (spider webs) and berdaki. It reminded me of a place I’ve seen before…in the movies…a horror movie…DARK WATER (Japanese version). My wife laughed at me…but she can laugh all she wants. I’m not gonna stay in a place like that. At least not if I’m paying for it!

Kamalodge is a decent hotel/chalet. It has a nice atmosphere to it. It has a great looking swimming pool. The location is nice too, near Bukit Larut. We considered staying there. But the package wasn’t attractive enough. RM 150 per night for a chalet WITHOUT breakfast. And the receptionist wasn’t so good with PR.

Finally we came across Taiping Golf Resort in Bukit Jana, Kamunting. It’s around 15 minutes drive from Taiping Hospital. I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a place to stay in Taiping. The rate for a hill view room on weekdays is RM 150 (RM 170 weekend), including breakfast for 2. They will knock RM 10 off if you are a government servant.
The room is equiped with a pantry with an oven and fridge. There is also a sofa (very comfy) in the room. In the morning or evening, you can sit with your loved one on the private balcony to enjoy the fresh air. There’s also the option of using the fan or air con. We enjoyed every minute we had in our room. To add to that enjoyment we bought ourselves some sushi for dinner. We had dinner in bed…kinky (way better than strawberry dipped in chocs :P) We can only find 2 faults with the hotel room – no bathtub and no kettle (we had to call housekeeping for warm water). Other than that it was superb.
Breakfast was served at the clubhouse, buffet style. The food was so-so but the view was magnificent. The clubhouse had a view of the whole golfcourse. And you can see some parts of Taiping in the distance. My wife and I had a splendid time. But before we checked out at 12 p.m., I just had to take a dip in the swimming pool…even for 15 minutes…even without my wife!